Friday, July 18, 2014

It's Not Official Until There's a Blog Post About It: Megan's Giant TBR Challenge

Like most of you, I love books. A lot. Especially have shelves full of beautiful hardcovers and tempting paperbacks. But this is getting out of hand.

Tuesday night I decided to reorganize my bookshelves (I do this every so often since I find it really relaxing - weird I know - I just have a thing for putting books in alphabetical order). I decided to switch it up and sort my books into read and unread. And then I realized my unread books take up more than a full bookcase! That's insane! I counted this morning and I have 176 unread (or partially read) books! What? When did this happen? Getting early access to ARCs is awesome, but it also means I don't read the books I already own, win from giveaways, receive finished copies from publishers and purchase. And none of this includes the black hole that is my kindle.

So what am I doing to do? I am instigating an immediate ban on buying AND requesting new books AND entering giveaways. Instead of reading new releases, I'm going to read through my shelves. One exception: sequels. I  want to carry on with my series and therefore I'm letting myself buy or request books that continue a series I've already started. Because I know I would break down and buy a few coming out in the next year.

My ultimate goal of this challenge is to get my TBR so that it takes up one book shelf instead of more than a full bookcase. So I will keep these strict rules until I get below 100, then I may relax them a bit (ie: I can buy/request 1 book per 5 books read or one per month or something).

Wish me luck! I'll be posting an update at the end of each month to track my progress. You'll still so reviews for new releases until the end of October, but starting then, it will be mainly older books (and sequels).

Current TBR: 176 books


  1. I participated in a TBR challenge in March and loved it! I actually ended up starting it in February and read a ton from my TBR pile that have been waiting on me for a long time now. It was so nice and actually was a lot of fun just reading whatever I wanted just because. I plan on ding that for at least one month every single year (hopefully at least two months but we will see) because otherwise my pile just gets way too out of control.

  2. Good luck. I've been participating in a few review challenges this year. I do manage to get 1-2 books from my TBR pile every month. I'm trying to be more disciplined, but finding it hard..

  3. Oh good luck Megan. I refuse to count my unread physical and let's not mention eBook tbr piles. I think I would faint if I knew the actual #'s. I am quite sure it reaches into past 500 and yet I add new books every week! I do read only from my tbr pile on the weekends and that does help.

  4. I'm the same way. I totally find organizing books super relaxing. It's my favourite thing! I remember last year when you were trying to stay under 100 ... I can't believe you're almost at 200 now! Good luck with the challenge! I know whenever I put myself on a ban I never, ever stick to it. Heck, I told myself only 2 books a month and I couldn't stick to it! Ha ha ...

  5. Good luck Megan and good on you for being disciplined about this! I am in exactly the same boat as you, I never end up reading books that I purchase on my own or win from giveaways and such. I hope you get through your TBR!

  6. Only 176?? ;) I don't even want to guess at how many I have. LOL Best of luck with your challenge!

  7. Great goal! I totally agree with wanting to read sequels!
    Missie @ A Flurry of Ponderings

  8. OOOOH GOOD LUCK. I have a bookshelf of unread books too eek, but not 176 lol! I have a shelf just for my TBR and then put my other books in alphabetical order ;P BUT ECK. I HAVE A TON OF UNREAD EARCS. @_@

  9. Right on, Megan!! This is very good of you and I'm sure we could all benefit from implementing something similar and sticking to it... I would be a bit terrified to count how many of my book stash is unread. Good thing they're all in boxes in my parents' garage where they can't taunt me!
