Title: Epidemic
Series: Mad World #1
Author: Samaire Provost
Publication Date: July 28, 2012

My Thoughts:
This book started out a bit rocky for me. I had trouble connecting with Samaire Provost's writing style, which I found to be a bit repetitive, simplistic and unappealing. I also had some issues with the narrator, Alyssa, since she came off a bit conceited in the beginning, saying things like "I was the ringleader of our group of friends. I'd excelled in our debate and speech classes and last fall was voted class president of our school." and "With longer hair, and my maturing, both physically and mentally, I'd come into my own."
Overall, I'm glad I stuck with this book, since it improved after the rough beginning. Alyssa's cocky comments disappeared and the fast-paced action overshadowed the flaws in writing style.
I'm a huge fan on the zombie genre and, while this book wasn't ground-breaking, it read like an above-average zombie film. No painfully stupid characters or rule-breaking zombies is always a good thing in my book. Samaire's version of the zombie plague is hyper-virulent strain of Yersinia pestis, the virus responsible for the Black Death. As an animal health major, I prefer not to focus on the science behind zombies, since that's where you run into scientific issues and it takes away all the fun. So I simply accept that there are zombies and a cursory explanation of their origin is enough for me.
As I mentioned above, this book reads like a zombie film. Character development is secondary to action, which doesn't bother me in a fast-paced zombie read. Once in a while Samaire's writing style would trip me up, but for the most part, I followed the fast pace of the action with no trouble.
The only plot point that I did question was the lack of conflict within the group. I think a bit of group conflict improves any zombie story and I found it a bit realistic that no one, especially a doctor, would question a 17-year-old leading the group. However, this complaint was fairly minor and overall I found it to be a fairly enjoyable, action-packed read.
On the Cover:
I'm not crazy about this cover. It should have zombies on it!
Rating: 3 Hearts
Source: Reviewed as part of the blog tour in exchange for an honest review.
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Hi and thank you very much for your review! I tend to agree with you, my writing in EPIDEMIC was a bit rocky to begin with... The second book SANCTUARY, the writing really evolves. I think I am improving! LOL!!! What did you think of the second book? Do you like the writing style better than in the 1st?