Friday, March 1, 2013

Paranormal Reading Challenge: Faeries

My first literary adventure into the world of the Fae came complements of Holly Black's Iron Fae series. I read this one back in junior high and absolutely fell in love with the world of the Fae! I love the idea of Fae not being able to tell a lie, but still being super tricky! Plus, the idea of knowing their full name giving you power of them. Awesome!

This month I plan to finally read Wicked Lovely by Melissa Marr. I bought the entire series, but haven't had a chance to read it yet, so I'm pretty excited.

Add your reviews to the linky below for your chance to win!


  1. Ooh what's this Holly Black series? GASP!! How have I never heard of this? I read the first Wicked Lovely and really enjoyed it but the sequel was very different and disappointing, lots of people enjoyed it though so maybe I just wasn't in the mood at the time. Curious to see what you'll think, Megan!

  2. If I remember correctly Holly Blaks Fae series was my first Fae series as well. Or else it was Wings by Aprilynne Pike.

    I plan on reading Faery Tales and Nightmares by Melissa Marr this month. (Mosty because I read all my fae books already lol

  3. Of all the fae-themed books I've read, my favorite would have to be the Iron Fey series of Julie Kagawa. Her fairies can't tell a lie either and they definitely don't like giving their whole names too. Seriously, you should read those books after you go through the Wicked Lovely series. :)

  4. Please ignore this entry 'Sadaf's Review Rapture by Phillip W. Simpson'. It was an accident. :/

    1. OK, disregard this now. Sorry

  5. I'm sorry i forgot to add in the link that the darkest edge of dawn (entry41) was fae

    So far the boo, i've read this month were quite dark. i will see if i manage to read a lighter one
